So, my girlfriend let me know that the Hive Gallery still needed some people to put skateboards in their annual skateboard painting exhibition thingy. As I am trying to put myself out there a little more aggressively this year, I went for it. This is the process I used to make the painting.
STEP ONE: Freakout.
I start everything like this. Dissatisfaction helps drive my creative process. It’s not as unhealthy as it seems. Really! Dont you judge me. It helps push me. Off a cliff. Into anxiety land.
(pic of me freakign out)
STEP TWO: Inspiration and reference.
Calm down and get to work. Usually this starts with an idea and some research. I’ve been drawing lots of wolf skulls for a comic I’m working on and liked the idea of the words “bad wolf” in Welsh “Blaidd Drwg” from doctor who.
I like the old roskopp boards.
I also liked the old tony hawk boards with the skull .
I decide I’m going to do a drawing with line and trap shading in b& w and carve the words in to the board with a dremel and inlay with gold .
STEP THREE: sketch and plan
Did a bunch of sketching. have a big block of newsprint for this.
Did a couple of studys of wolf skulls.
STEP FOUR: refine
I made some sketches full size and then traced them out to refine them. I used this as the basis for the painting itself.
At this point I started to question the feasibility of lettering.
Step Five: paint
Sign paint and shitty brushes. really like the wood grain. I dont have any pics form this. I sketched it out in pencil on the board, blocked it out in white and out lined everything in black.
I ditched the lettering: I could barely make a dent in the wood with the dremel. I could see it taking a really long time and then not coming out well. I still like the idea so we’ll save it for a rainy day and another project.
stop freaking out (not really the freaking out continues to this day)
ultimately It was not the worst piece there and not the best piece.